How B2B SaaS manages roadmap and feedback in Fibery

How B2B SaaS manages roadmap and feedback in Fibery
Product company 🚀
10-50 ppl 🎩
Expense Management Software 👻
Switched from Google Sheets, Trello, Asana, Notion, Miro 😎
Templates used in this customer story

I'm Kübra Bekdemir, Marketing Communications Specialist at Masraff. I create messaging strategies and marketing campaigns for brand awareness, thought leadership, and lead generation — you can check it on our website and LinkedIn.

At Masraff, we have developed an AI-powered platform that streamlines the expense management process for businesses. Rather than spending countless hours and days manually entering data and tracking expenses every month, our platform simplifies the process into 3 steps:

  1. You take a photo of the receipt and let AI enter the data and handle fraud detection, policy compliance, and other details control.
  2. Afterward, the advanced approval process begins with end-to-end mobile control. Managers can see all the details they want whenever they want.
  3. Finally, expense data goes to the accounting and finance teams for ERP transfer with a single click.

In addition, real-time tracking and reporting increase efficiency, cut costs, and streamline workflows. Our customizable structure and cost-efficient benefits have attracted over 200 customers in 4 years, allowing us to expand to 34 countries.

What do you use Fibery for?
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As a remote team, we get that a seamless digital workflow equals smooth cooperation. With Fibery, our C-level executives were able to create a comprehensive workspace map, while all our teams can easily organize their files, documents, and tickets, and keep track of their progress without missing a beat.

Workspace map

This way, we can establish a digital workspace with tailored Spaces for each team, allowing seamless access and sharing of relevant files and data based on authorization levels.

One of the major benefits of Fibery is that it allows us to communicate and collaborate effectively, without the need for endless meetings, saving our most valuable resource: time. Instead, teams can easily access and share information about ongoing projects.

Overall, Fibery has proven to be a successful tool that streamlines our workflow, minimizes the risk of information loss, and promotes seamless teamwork.

Why did you switch to Fibery and what tools did it replace?
Emoji yarn

Before Fibery, we tried Google Sheets, MS Teams Projects, MS Tasks, Todoist, Trello, Asana, Notion, Google Docs, Whatsapp, Telegram, Miro, Excalidraw, and many others. Now we have just Fibery :)

From the outset, we knew that Fibery was the right choice for us. Its intuitive interface, seamless team collaboration capabilities, and versatile document creation tools made it the perfect fit for our digitalization needs. Unlike other options, it allows us to truly embrace digitalization and optimize our workflows with constant updates. For instance, your new AI features Fibery's commitment to staying up-to-date — and keeping us up-to-date too.

That is the transformation that we are trying to create with Masraff in workplaces, hence, Fibery and Masraff collaboration is a good fit. Together, we can leverage the power of cutting-edge technology to streamline our operations, and connect our teams in different places.

Now spill the tea: how does your Product Management process look like?
Emoji tea

How do you set and track OKRs?

As a young team, we are still in the early stages of institutionalizing our processes. We have yearly, quarterly roadmaps to set high-level objectives, then distribute these objectives to sprint goals.

Despite this, Fibery helps us stay organized and on track. By providing a centralized platform for our various tasks and activities, Fibery helped us to work more efficiently and collaboratively, without the need for clunky project management software. We look forward to exploring new ways to leverage Fibery's capabilities as we evolve.

How do you prioritize features?

Our planning process has many stages. First, we are going over the Root Causes of Bugs and Customer Feedbacks. Then we go over previous sprints to go over work items that need to continue as well. We are reviewing our customer commitments as we are writing down the Date Commitments to customers, if we promised a customer a feature (e.g. blocking a project go-live etc.) we do our best to respect these. Finally, we review the Epic Calendar to see what large work buckets we have in the quarterly roadmap. We use dynamic fields a lot to calculate software-defined priorities.

Fibery helps us prioritize and score various tasks and activities with ratings for our software and AI teams. We rank the bugs and improvements in order of importance and distribute resources. So with Fibery, we can easily organize and examine customer problems and bugs, then allocate resources accordingly to ensure that we are meeting customer needs quickly and efficiently.

Fibery's prioritization systems streamline our workflow and ensure that we are focused on the most critical tasks at any given time. That's how we are able to stay on top of complex projects and quickly see areas that need additional attention or resources. With Fibery, we can consistently deliver high-quality products and services to our customers. ❤️

How do you plan and track features?

We have Yearly, Quarterly Roadmaps and Epic Calendar to track long-term commitments. Additionally, we track our Features and Bugs in Sprints. We are also collecting Customer Feedback from the meeting notes we capture in Fibery. We then tag these meeting notes as Feature / Bugs in the backlog.

Fibery is flexible and can be tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each job and task: we can use cards and prioritize them as needed, or create roadmaps and diagrams when the task requires a more visual approach.

Fibery can be adapted to suit the unique demands of any business or task structure. Whether we are working on a complex software project, managing customer support requests, or collaborating on a team presentation, Fibery assists us with the flexibility and customization we need to succeed. By improving its powerful tools and features, we are able to work more efficiently and effectively. Eventually, this comfort enables us to provide quality products and enhance customer experience management.

How do you manage customer feedback?

We use the Feeds a lot to follow topics that other teams are working on. For example, Product Team is reviewing all the Meeting Logs and Customer Conversations in a feed to review efficiently what Customer Success is working on.

Fibery helps us improve our customer support process. With Fibery, our Customer Success team can quickly open a ticket and attach relevant photos and links to the issue at hand, while tagging the relevant person in another department. This approach eliminates the need for meetings and ensures that everyone involved in the process is aware of the issue in-depth and working towards a resolution.

Workspace map

In addition to supporting Customer Success's internal processes, the team also use Fibery in customer meetings to capture notes and action items. This way we have a centralized, easily accessible meetings repository that we can use to follow up with customers. By creating this feedback loop, we build stronger relationships with our customers and drive better business outcomes.

Praise time: What is your favorite Fibery feature and why?
Emoji hugging-face

Fibery is great because it evolves with the way we see the world. Sometimes a thing is a property of an entity, when things evolve this property evolves to become an entity of its own. We are learning to build our Ontology for our company over time and Fibery puts us on rails to structure and integrate all the teams and employees.

Fibery is valuable for workflow management, thanks to its powerful and customizable databases and entities, roadmap features, and bi-directional links.

In complex projects with many moving parts, Fibery's advanced filtering options and search bar provide us with an intuitive and user-friendly way to manage and prioritize our work. These features help us to navigate through large volumes of data and quickly identify areas that require our attention.

Criticism time: What you don't like/lack in Fibery?
Emoji sad-but-relieved-face

There is a lot of knowledge sleeping in our documents in Wiki Formats, we would love to see a Fibery Bot referring to a certain database of questions and answers to build a bot for each team. For example, Sales and Customer Success can ask the same questions multiple times to the Product Team. We would like to make this process more efficient with LLMs.

Lastly, we believe Fibery could have an embedded data warehouse for us to feed data in from our operational DB. This way the processes would be much more integrated and intelligent. We believe right now it's a little hard to integrate into the relevant Fibery entities the records we want to write via APIs.

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