How social learning platform plans and tracks product development

How social learning platform plans and tracks product development
Product company 🚀
11-50 ppl 🎩
Entertainment Software 👻
Switched from Notion 😎
Templates used in this customer story

EduDo is a mobile learning platform with short user-generated interactive videos for on-the-go self-development. The system they built in Fibery helps the product team prioritize ideas seamlessly and ensures the engineering team works at full capacity.

Getting started 🦠

EduDo switched to Fibery from Notion in December 2020, as they needed a customizable tool that can adapt to a dynamic team and grow with it. As EduDo is an early-stage startup (we think not for long 🤑), from the very start they joined our startup program to get an extra runway: a year of Fibery for free.

🎤 Yury Shlaganov, EduDo CEO & Founder,

Fibery is an amazing and very flexible tool! We are using it for our dev purposes and love it!

The team started with our pre-made Product Management Workspace that brings together all kinds of processes for creating and growing awesome products (Strategy, Ideation, Roadmapping, and Customer Feedback). And in several months expanded to processes like Research, Content Management, Analytics, ASO, and more.

Product Management Workspace

As the EduDo team is actively shaping their mobile platform, both product and development teams have a mountain of tasks to complete. 🧗‍♂️🗻 Here is the system they built in Fibery to focus on what is important, ship faster, and make their users happier.

Evolving 🦎

Automatic prioritization of the most impactful features

How do you store all the ideas? And from a long list of features, how do you choose which to execute?

Feature Flow Kanban board

EduDo team uses a Feature Flow Kanban board to store, describe, and track every product opportunity.

While it’s tempting to rather work on the ideas they’d use themselves or dive into the completely new hypothesis, EduDo relies on an automatic scoring system. The one they use is RICE, which’s an acronym for the four factors of Feature valuation: reach, impact, confidence, and effort.

The pre-built automatic RICE score formula in Fibery allows the EduDo team to easily choose what to take into development next. Sorting by impact, RICE score, or reach helps to keep the most important features noticeable — at the top of the list.

There is one downside tho. You need to be consistent and fill in all the factors manually for each Feature or set up automatic sync from the analytics that you pull into Fibery.

You can use not only RICE, but also WSJF, MoSCoW, or your own fancy prioritization method 🎲

Transparent and always up to date roadmaps

All the features that got lucky live on a beautiful roadmap, transparent to everybody in the team. No updates required: changes from all the boards and tables are shown in real-time.

EduDo doesn't use complex hierarchies for Product Roadmapping and displays just Epics and Features. Each Epic and Feature has its own data range (Features have their own time frames, and Epics show the sum of Features dates).

Custom software development process & personal views

EduDo keeps the development planning and tracking in Fibery:

  1. Stores Docs and Wiki
  2. Manages backlog of stories and bugs
  3. Plans and tracks sprints
  4. Measures team productivity
Plans and tracks sprints
Plans and tracks sprints

For each of the above, EduDo has views in their Software Development Space. Some of the views were pre-built and included in the template, and some are custom, just like a board for "My stories & bugs".

For an extra focus on the burning tasks 🧘‍♂️ team members use a custom board called "My stories & bugs in the current sprint". To set it up EduDo created a Kanban board with both Stories and Bugs and then filtered by current Sprint and "Contain Me" assignees.

To make sure they are on time with tasks, employees use color coding: if the Date `>`️ Today, the color of the task changes to red.

The is also an option to set up notifications and receive updates right in Slack.

Time tracking & velocity report to keep plans realistic

How to predict when all of the work will be completed and make sure all the releases happen on time EduDo team uses pro-level time tracking and visualizes the work left to do versus time with a burndown chart.

To plan workload for future sprints and predict how quickly they can work through the backlog, EduDo uses the sprint velocity report that tracks the completed work over several sprints. The higher team’s velocity, the more Space functionality they are delivering, and the more value is created for customers.

Embrace Scrum and use our pre-build Sprint Velocity report

Velocity report

Wrapping up 🐉

To set up the right processes and unleash the full power of Fibery the EduDo team has rebuilt their workspace 3 times. Now they are completely happy with the results 🤞 and migrated all the processes into Fibery, from Strategy and Ideation to Content Management and ASO.

Product Management and Development are still at the core tho. Backlogs, roadmaps, sprints, releases, and reports are organized the way the EduDo wanted. The tool adapted to the process and will easily grow with the EduDo team.

🎤 Maks Kurpa, EduDo Co-founder:

“Fibery is the best flexible tool that I've ever seen. It has great potential to scale and allows to create great visibility for all team members.

It can be a bit complicated at the start mostly because of the endless customization options (domain flexibility is 🦄 and 💩 at the same time), so pre-made workspaces and templates help a lot.

Fibery also has the best customer support via Intercom, thanks Polina.”
Templates used in this customer story

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